The Three Magical Methods of Sesame Oil Production

Once upon a time, on the enchanting island of Taiwan, there resided a family of skilled sauce artisans. Their renown spanned far and wide, owed to the irresistible allure of their sesame oil, a blend of exquisite flavor and nourishment, crafted meticulously through the time-honored Stone Mill methods.

The First Method: The Stone Mill

Generations had entrusted in the timeless wisdom of the first method, known as the Stone Mill technique. This ancestral art entailed the meticulous roasting of sesame seeds to perfection, followed by their transformation into a luscious paste through the gentle grinding of a traditional stone mill. This paste, when mixed with boiling water and shaken with unwavering dedication, would reveal its precious secret – the golden oil gracefully separating from the pulp. This precious elixir was carefully collected and housed in grand vats, left undisturbed to allow the sediment to settle. The outcome was a sesame oil of unparalleled purity and flavor, blessed with an extended shelf life.

The Second Method: The Mechanical Press

The second method, which was developed more recently, was called the mechanical press method. This method involved roasting the sesame seeds and then pressing them under high pressure to extract the oil. This method was faster and more efficient than the stone mill method, but it could also produce a sesame oil with a burnt note and bitter taste.

The Third Method: The High-Speed Press

The third method, which was the most recent development, was called the high-speed press method. This method involved roasting the sesame seeds at a lower temperature and then pressing them at high speed to extract the oil. This method was the fastest and most efficient way to produce sesame oil, but it also produced the lowest quality oil. The bargain-priced sesame oils on the market were typically made using this method.

At Lian How, we have chosen to preserve the legacy of our ancestors, exclusively employing the Stone Mill method for crafting our premium sesame oil. Our dedicated team of sesame oil artisans infuses their heart and soul into their craft. To us, sesame oil transcends its role as a mere cooking ingredient; it is a sacred emblem of our family's rich heritage and culture. Our sesame oil has found its place on tables around the globe, becoming an indispensable component of countless cuisines.

So, the next time you reach for that bottle of sesame oil, pause for a moment to acknowledge the toil and devotion that have gone into creating this delightful and versatile culinary treasure.


Union Food Co.: A Family-Owned Business with a Commitment to Good Health


The Quest for the Perfect Sesame Oil