It was all

a dream.

Lian How, which translates to "Union" in Chinese, is a family-owned sesame oil company that was founded by my grandfather in Taiwan. My grandfather was a refugee from China who traveled to Taiwan and then to the United States to build a better life for his family. He is a pioneer in the sauce and spice industry, developing a traditional method of making sesame oil that is still used today by our family business.

My grandfather's sesame oil is made with the finest African sesame seeds, which are hand-shaken in traditional baskets to extract the purest oil. This traditional process while slow, results in a sesame oil that is even more rich in flavor and aroma.

My mother continued my grandfather's legacy by bottling the sesame oil one jar at a time and selling it, with the help of my father, to Asian restaurants and grocers in the United States. She worked hard to build the business into what it is today, and I am proud to be the third generation to carry on the family tradition.

I am passionate about sharing my grandfather's sesame oil with the world. It is more than just a cooking oil; it is a symbol of my family's history and resilience. Through our travels from China to Taiwan and then to the US, we have created a Union of personal ingredients and flavors to share with the rest of the world.

I hope that you will enjoy Lian How Sesame Oil as much as we do. It is a delicious and versatile oil that can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to marinades to dressings. It is also a good source of healthy fats and antioxidants.